All our Premium Electric Bike Subscriptions come with a FREE Sold Secure Diamond Level Lock. Customers have a choice of two types of lock.

Sold Secure is a not-for-profit, UK-based company that independently tests security products at it's dedicated labs in Rugby. Locks that have been satisfactorily assessed may bear the coveted Sold Secure Approved quality mark.

We use Oxford Products as our lock supplier. They have a rich history and an enviable reputation in the UK selling security products in both the bicycle and motorcycle industry.



Sold Secure test multiple specifications using one of four levels of theft resistance. These specifications vary in the type of attack, tools used, and time spent during the attack.

Sold Secure Bronze

Offering theft resistance against a basic tool list (aimed at preventing opportunist crime)

Sold Secure Silver

Offering theft resistance against an enhanced tool list (aimed at preventing more determined attacked)

Sold Secure Gold

Offering theft resistance against a dedicated tool list (aimed at preventing dedicated attacks)

Sold Secure Diamond

The highest level of theft resistance including use of specialist tools (aimed at preventing the most destructive attacks that could include angle grinders)


These locks may also be referred to as U-Locks or Shackle Locks .

These locks are generally the most secure. They feature a D-shaped design which allows you to secure your bike to something immovable like a stand, fence or rack. Diamond level locks are the most secure and have thicker, hardened steel arms to resist angle grinders and an anti-pick lock. The lock is supplied with a bracket so you can attach it to your frame when not in use.


Chain Locks

These locks feature a long, material covered chain to protect your paintwork and the lock has a keyed separate padlock. These are very popular with motorcyclists too and offer a very high level of security.

They don't come with a bracket and are usually carried separately by the rider in a bag.